Friday, December 9, 2005

An extreme instance of Artbook Censorship

Censoring is not a new phenamenon in Iran & many other countries around the globe.It mostly comprises those medias which are regarded against society’s governmental , social ,religious prospects.
In some countries ,cultural censorship is one of the most important devices used by the government . as a major and powerful weapon to hinder any mental improvement or any particular movement in the society.
In Islamic republic of Iran ,beside internet censorship ,media censorship and self-censorship(an Epidemic disease in Iran’s present anti-secular Rules),cultural sencorship ,the common kind of censoring is worth mentioning once more.

Undoubtedly finding Up to date books is something hard to achieve in Tehran . In a couple of bookstores of capital ,Tehran, you can find some categorized Foreign art and cultural books from Some popular western publishers ( exp. Thames & Hudson , taschen ,phaidon and …),but in all this books you can not find any surviving from censorship. If they are not censored by cruel black markers or razors ,they cant’t escape the white labels.

It seems as if Art is nothing ,but entertainment & artist is nobody but the producer of the costumer of the ill media.Perhaps ,They consume art students as ones who look for jusus tits or little holy kids pennies in Leonardo DaVinchi’s or he just seeks a man and a woman lying together in Mark Chagal’s Painting.