Sunday, May 7, 2006

Sweden National Television Meets Kolahstudio In Tehran

Sweden National Television meets kolahstudio artists in tehran to discuss about the media and Young art in Iran.The Reporter Malik Bendjelloul interviews the Kolahstudio Art Director- Karan Reshad - About the Brainstorm Emagazine and the aspects of publishing This new kind of media in Iran.
Furthermore ,they asked about the street art movement in Tehran and the roots of it.the nice part of the meeting was an argue about Atomic energy ,just because of a satire like stencil -I love Atom Bomb-which led us to find ourselves in a Reaktor instead of an art studio.We talked about peace and our experience.. and we presented them one of our Group painting experiences ...Just LIVE! in thirty minutes ,there were four kinds of sad creatures on a 100x100 cms canvas nailed on wall.then It's all a gift ...Take it friends .but it's not the end .

Swidish reporter Emilie Persson also bought the most recent work of the Kolahstudio Artist - Arash Khodaee - and it was a good news in commercial aspects under the ground. so more ... you might see it on SVT- Kobra. at the end We talked about Iranian Hiphop Movement and Underground music and K.Reshad addressed the reporter to 3 Iranian music bands : Bad-Naam , UP and Felakat.

[+]For visiting the sold painting visit Arash Khodaee's Blog Here
[+]For listenig to Iranian underground music Radio Click Here