Saturday, December 23, 2006

THe First Street Art Event in Tehran - Call for International Art

First we should say " Happy new year"

"Bomb In The Cultural Sidewalk"
Our REvolution was the Explosion of Light ,but We are still located in darkness ,even more than before.Kolahstudio will launch The First Iranian Street Art Event in The City of Tehran and welcomes all Cooperations and Ideas.
We Aim to Set a sticker and propaganda Presentation in Two of Most Crowded neighbourhoods in Tehran up and downtown

Remeber It's not About Politics At all ,we want to
take young art between the society and let the mob know about Todays art
movement in The world

An event
Vali Asr conj. and Vanak Sq. in Tehran will be witness of This event from 1st Feb2007 to 11 feb.2007).WE Are all Indepandant and have our Own view points to the World around us.WE need your help all over the world.and we have no limitations except P**nographic images and hate signs.We just Want to Shock Our people and make them think once more.

Send us:
Send us your Stickers and propagand Tickets with subjects like : A REal REvolution ,human rights and Social government and War Against Imperialism will be welcomed ,Printed and sticked on Mentioned Locations.

Send us your works to : tehranunderground @ gmail dot com
If you live in Yahoo ,you can join our group:

Submission Guidline :
REsolution 150\ ,RGB or Grayscale
Aproximate Size : A5(21X15cms)
Dead Line:21 january 2007
Artist name , URl and contact address should be included in submission Email.

No WEb address Real name should be in your design,as it is not for fame or Name ,and it will reduce the dangers ,so help us not putting any artist Real name or WEbsite promotion.
We print 5 stickers of Your design and Stick 4 of them in streets .

What you recieve
We don't have any money ,so you will not recieve any payments.We are just responsible to send you an envelope with 5 printed photos of The event include a shot from your sticked Design in Tehran.
If you like to recieve such Envelope Please Send in Your Post address with your design submission.

Recieved Stickers will be printed , sticked and after that we take
photos from The scene .All shots +originall stickers and posters will be
published in Brainstorm #6
including Artists name and contact URLs which is completely Free and easy
to download PDF.