Saturday, December 23, 2006

THe First Street Art Event in Tehran - Call for International Art

First we should say " Happy new year"

"Bomb In The Cultural Sidewalk"
Our REvolution was the Explosion of Light ,but We are still located in darkness ,even more than before.Kolahstudio will launch The First Iranian Street Art Event in The City of Tehran and welcomes all Cooperations and Ideas.
We Aim to Set a sticker and propaganda Presentation in Two of Most Crowded neighbourhoods in Tehran up and downtown

Remeber It's not About Politics At all ,we want to
take young art between the society and let the mob know about Todays art
movement in The world

An event
Vali Asr conj. and Vanak Sq. in Tehran will be witness of This event from 1st Feb2007 to 11 feb.2007).WE Are all Indepandant and have our Own view points to the World around us.WE need your help all over the world.and we have no limitations except P**nographic images and hate signs.We just Want to Shock Our people and make them think once more.

Send us:
Send us your Stickers and propagand Tickets with subjects like : A REal REvolution ,human rights and Social government and War Against Imperialism will be welcomed ,Printed and sticked on Mentioned Locations.

Send us your works to : tehranunderground @ gmail dot com
If you live in Yahoo ,you can join our group:

Submission Guidline :
REsolution 150\ ,RGB or Grayscale
Aproximate Size : A5(21X15cms)
Dead Line:21 january 2007
Artist name , URl and contact address should be included in submission Email.

No WEb address Real name should be in your design,as it is not for fame or Name ,and it will reduce the dangers ,so help us not putting any artist Real name or WEbsite promotion.
We print 5 stickers of Your design and Stick 4 of them in streets .

What you recieve
We don't have any money ,so you will not recieve any payments.We are just responsible to send you an envelope with 5 printed photos of The event include a shot from your sticked Design in Tehran.
If you like to recieve such Envelope Please Send in Your Post address with your design submission.

Recieved Stickers will be printed , sticked and after that we take
photos from The scene .All shots +originall stickers and posters will be
published in Brainstorm #6
including Artists name and contact URLs which is completely Free and easy
to download PDF.

Monday, November 27, 2006

4th painting Biennale of Islamic World !!!

Iranian Academy Of Arts !!! presents:
THe Fourth International Painting Biennail (biennale) of the Islamic World
The Biennale Has just Opened tonight In Two sections of Eastern Dream and Free Theme.The Exhibition continues till Dec.21 2006 . As they Published in The Biennale Cataloge the main goal of this exhibition is The cultural relation and Artistic dialouge between Muslim Painters and artists all over the world!!!so one question will be remain between my eyes as i am witnessing the situation in Iran ,when Painters and art lovers lack a National Painting biennale for 5 years.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Shots Taken from Kolahstudio - An Art Basement in Tehran

In Tehran , Iran - Kolahstudio is a basement dedicated to Young Art and Experience . all artists can put time have a workshop,meeting and visit the basement with schaduel which can be recieved through email or by joining [

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nooreldin ZarinKelk Animation Review

Farzan Publications is holding aseries of Intelectual REviews on Iranian Freethinkers and artists in a basement in Tehran . THis weeks plan is To show 4 Short animations of one of The pioneers of the iranian Animation scene - Noureldin Zarin-Kelk - who has been directed and produced more than 10 animations in a decade.Here you see some shots of the Program in FArzan Pub.I hope such moves get to go on more and more through our city and country.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Pain Things Till 9 November 2006

Karan Reshad Paintings (Pain things as Artist claims on his invitation Card )serrie " October 1385" is going to be Exhibited in Mehrain Art Gallery Terhan(Teheran) at 4th november 2006.The exhibition will be continued till 9th november 2006 . Visiting hours : 16 to 20

Music Playlist:
Fisr Hour :October 85 Music colage
Second Hour : Jaziza
Third Hour : Softland
forth Hour : Repeat : October 85 Music colage
Address: No.21 - west Fazel St. , Nasr(Gisha) St.
Thanks to Friends who drive the exhibition to a successfull ending . S.mohadesi , S.Nasr and other friends.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Brainstorm#5 Call For artists + Stencil shaer Project

5th issue Theme : Contrast
Send us images of Art an documentary from simple digital photos to fineart. It's an especial issue for making a Contrast.The Theme is in contrast with Todays Popular Values in art and social relations.maybe you prefered to Send us your Worst Work in contrast with your Aesthetic Knowledge or any other images showing Contrast in any aspects of visionary.All sort of visual art is acceptable . Painting , Drawing , Experimental Paintworks,StreetArt ,Urban signs ,stickers,posters and stencils.
Attention: do not send us files with formats other than JPG,Giff and PDF .Maximum size is 990 kb.The Deadline is 20 November 2006

Stencil Share project#1
Every year we Are going to hold a stencil Share project for profesional stencil artist to share one stencil with other artists and audience from around the world . Each artist can participate with one Creative A3 ,one-layer or two layers stencil design. Plus the 5th issue of Brainstorm Magazine we are going to Invite all energetic stencil artists around the world to contribute a stencil design for this issue. Kolahstudio will publish 10 Stencil designs by 10 stencil artists around the world in A3 format so every one can just print,cut and spray them on city walls.What after?All the friends who sprayed at least one of stencils from the stencils share can send us 5 photos of their works to get participated in StencilShareZ Section , which will soon power this issues plus a PissPack issue.
The Deadline is 20 November 2006
find out more :

Send your Submittions to :
Make sure to include your Artist name , Nationality and Contact Address or without basic informations won't be participated in the participated in the Magazine.

Kourosh Adim Photo Exhibition at Honarmandan Art Gallery

From 30 september to 5 october 2006 ,Iranian Photographer - Kourosh Adim is showing his Works to public in Honarmandan Art Gallery -Tehran-Iran.Here are some shots from His recently told exhibition in Honarmandan art gallery.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

5th Generation of Iranian Poster Designers!!!

An exhibition of Some Iranian young graphic Designers is open to audience in Saba Art and cultural Institute in Tehran Iran. The Exhibition which is called THe 5th Generation is going to introduce some graphic designers how have been submitting their works for this exhibition. The nice point about The 5th Generation of Iranian graphic Designers is 2 opositions who want to be The Introduction. It means two Different Call for Artists and Two different Group of Famouse iranian Designers are fighting to show tht they are the Father of This new generation.It seems that the want to introduce something that they like to be their own .

Iranian Graphic designers Reza Abedini ,Saeed Moshki and so many others are struggleing to gather their fans as the 5th generation of Iranian Designers .It's not bad as a sort of Energy to do Art ,But It's a wrong Way Because many of 5th Generation Artists who know something about Philosophy and have any ideology can not be in their classifications ,so i call it the lack of comprehension and understanding of The ART ,today.

Friday, August 18, 2006

keyvan Heydari's Exhibition

Keyvan Heydari 's First Exhibition is open from 16 to 22 Aug. 2006 in Tehran,Banafsheh Gallery.

The Exhibition seems to be based on some individual and teenage daydreams from skating to stenciling and Art .From my point of view as young Painter and Art lover it was not comarable with the Art exhibitions todate but It was the first move from a junior artist ,with much energy.Maybe He should Concentrate on Coloring and compositions more than gangsome and teenage delima.As an art show is not the only mean of art activity but The purification and experience,so I just wish the best path for Mr. Heydari to get on through.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

BBC LIEs Published

BBC LIES Brainstorm Issue 4
Published and ready to download for free . THe magazine is powered by Tehran based underground Emagazine. You can listen to some Anti war and anti Zionism Songs in Playlist section ,there . click to see and download The PDF Version . Brainstorm

"The Revolution Must First Start with each individual changing (him/her) mind-set to one of understanding.Like existing in this world without relying on materialistic Stuffs;Not just Depending on Money and Fame,but Letting Your foundation be the supreme Being.That's Revolution" -Common

This Issue Contents:

  1. Peace : English Article on peace
  2. Photo talks easily : Documentary and social photography Collection
  3. BBC LIES :International Visual Art Collection
  4. Interview : KS intervie with Iranian Underground Female Rapper -SALOME
  5. Next Call for Arts
  6. Credits and contacts

Art Directore : K.Reshad

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Up Band WEnt live in a Tehran CAfe

Up Band - Iranian Rock Blues Underground Band Went Live in one of Terhan Cafes lin last 5 nights .Maybe we can say it was good for the opening of THe new way of expression . maybe the dangerous one. for more infos about The band You can read Kolahstudio interview with Hooman And Arash- Up band former persons Following this link >Interview<

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Posters by 5 Different Visions

An exhibition of Experimental Poster Design is open to audiences in Mehrin Art Gallery -Tehran.Four Junior Graphic Designers -Mohammad Bani-Hassan,AliReza Hesaraki , AbulFazl Khosravi , Hojat Azizi and Amir Masoud Niaee joint together and made an exhibition of free posters based on Free Individual Ideas.

The exhibition is about to face 2 different Things.
1- The Quality of Today's Graphic Design and The Creativity which gives meaning to the Progressive Design.How to define This Exhibtion as a study or aproach (both public and individual) in Graphc design?
2- The lack of cohierance in Visual Atmosphere chosen by the artists in their works and some unwanted contrasts in the series , may show the young experience which requires more study and Attention to get to the point of ideal.

Another Point we can TAlk or even think about Is the location ,which can effect the exhibition so much .Mehrin gallery is not a good place for 100x70 or 60x90 squarcm Posters,because of the poor equipment of Lighting and the short walls.Maybe the Gallery Owner should pay more attention to decisions she makes in the future,because it can be more effective if she could manage what she features.

Monday, June 26, 2006

247 Artists in Deeper Depression

Iran /Tehran
Deeper Depression
A contemporary Art Practice
Presented by

New Media / Performance / Photography / Typography / Literature / Illustration / Painting

2nd round of parkingallery's deep depression project is launched in Tehran from 23rd of June, 2006 in four venues & with 247 Iranian & international participants.

Tarahan Azad Gallery / June 23- July 5, 2006/ Visiting hours: 4-8 pm/
Atbin Gallery / June 23- July 4, 2006/ Visiting hours: 4-8 pm/
Zangar Gallery / June 29 – July 5 2006/ Opening: 6-9 pm/ Visiting Hours: 4-9 pm/
Tehran Gallery / June 24 – July 5 2006/

In cooperation with Media Designer Consultant Co. & Shervin Book Series.

Friday, June 16, 2006

2nd Stickers Award : international Call for Art

It is starting june 15 and lasts til august 30, 2006.

you can win:
1st prize: 5000 stickers of your design in full colour and die cut
2st prize: 2000 stickers of your design in full colour and die cut
3st prize: 1000 stickers of your design

all the winners are part of the sticker awards exhibition in autum 2006 and will be featured in the publication about the contest.

please send the data of your artwork (photo or graphic) in the same way as last year: have a look at for the upload of your sample.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A selection of 17 visions

17 Iranian Contemporary Photographers. 22 May 2006 in tehran Musuem of Contemporary Art

The above mentioned lines are the title of an Exhibition which is open in Tehran Museum of contemporary art .

the exhibition aims to focuse on Iranian contemporary photography ,containing the most Progresive charecters whom begin this art in Iran.From Antuan Khan in Gajar Kingdom era to Iranian islamic Revolution and Iran -Iraq War photographers and Today.
As a young active artist I am not Satisfied with The exhibition entitled by TMOCA .It was the Worst exhibition i have evere Visited in my life .Nothing to see ,in 2006.No Idealogy , Nothing to share and just some aspects of Propoganding the same subject of being clean but not creative .It's obvious that seeing documentary photos of war by Kaveh Golestan is a great pleasure, But Why I should see them in a wrong place? beside some poor Photographes in which just The documentation was a cool attitude or the Lighting maters more than meaning . any one can click and take photo .

Why i should see a Gallery of Popular celebrity Calender photos ,hanging on TMCOA ,when i do believe They are More inspirations ,out between the young artists .I don't like to see A master Photographer ,amazed by photoshop in 50th year of his life and produces some foolish images which show he was doing nothing all his life?

It is not good to see right thing in a wrong place .
It is not good to see right thing in a wrong place .
It's Real

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Iranian Street Art Movement's homepage

THe Website which was paused whitin the 6 previous months is Now Under It's Beta version TEsting and will be run Straight forward to power the Movement in Tehran . For those who don't have enough informations about The movement , maybe i need to say that Iranian graffiti and urban art movement has been taking place in Terhan by the years 2000 -2002 by kolahstudio artists and led to a movement by the Gaff Writers and followers with great talents . Before this years ther were no ilegal Art on tehran walls.

Visit The Website ,for latest updates from A1one ,Magoi ,elle Arash and other writers . We are now in our Beta version testing . For more Details you can visit The old Version of the Movement in http://irangraffiti.blogspot.comand the first home of This event in web from 2003 :

To join Irangraffiti mailing list :
To join KS Yahoo group :