Thursday, October 8, 2009

Art Experiments

I used watercolor to make a self portrait. I wasnt able to finish it. Im not a fan of watercolor and have a hard time controlling it, but I tried. I feel more comfortable with using charcoal and graphite to make a self portrait of me.

This experiment are many poses of Damili. I used markers because I feel like I have more control. I definitely want to finish this piece because it has an interesting composition. Right now the piece looks a little confusing. I found the exercise a little challenging because Damili changed her poses continously. I look forward to finishing this piece. I am thinking of using acrylic paint to finish it.

An experiment indeed. I wasn't expecting this to go far. I used crayons and ink. I knew I didn't want this to be a finished piece, I just wanted to get a practive of observation. I will redeem myself with a finished observational piece.

This is a charcoal and marker drawing of Dena. I felt more confident with this piece because I work better with charcoal. I put a little of my own style in this piece, making it look a little bit cartoony. Unfourtunatley this peice got a little smudged. I like the piece's strong contrast in highlights and shadows.

This is my favorite experiment. I drew myself in numerous angles. Also in there I drew another classmate. I used many different color markers. There is a lot of line movement in this piece. I cant wait to finish this piece, I believe it has a lot of potential.

This was a musical experiment. I drew this bizarre drawing while listening to a song Ms. Kane put on. I found the song upsetting and desert related. The pitch of the song and its mood seemed to go up and downwards. It was an interesting experiment, I would like to do it again but with a more cheery up beat song.