Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hi, Vans aka boring but nice fitting shoes came in yesterday. Painted them, but it came out an other way, not quite like i wanted it.. But its allright. I started to draw some stencils, then did the cutting work to get the design nicely done.
Ready to start. But there was a problem, oh 2 problems.. 1. I bought paint specially for painting on fabrics. but 1 of the 2 colours (Green) was not opaque, that means painting layer after layer after layer and still it wasn't covering. 2. I did use a sponge to get the paint done on the shoes but i moved up and down too hard, thats why there was so many dirty wipes.

When the paint was dry and I realised my shoes we're 'nah, not that nice' I decided to restart the operation to save their lives: this time with Uni Posca and Molotow markers. After that i gave it a clean coating to finish off.. Enjoy!

Hm, not the best work I have ever done.. 

At least the photo is nice!