Sunday, August 11, 2013


Finally we did the 'HEMELS' piece, it was done in a week or so. Because of the material we had to paint on (we had to paint an aluminum roller shutter), we had to take some extra steps. 

First off, I wanted to thank the 'HEMELS' crew for being so friendly. The mails and the conversations we had about this were always pleasant and with a positive put in. This was a great opportunity to gain some fame, and maybe because of this piece some more people will ask me to paint something. I also loved the shop, and I heard the ice cream is delicious.. Offcourse its handmade with love. So if you are around Barendrecht, take a visit if you want to eat some delicious ice cream or just have a coffee..
Check out the website!

So the sketches are done, the supplies are in but.. We had to take some steps to get the paint to stick onto the surface. In the 'investigation' I did to get to know more about the aluminum and the paint I use, most people said it was very hard to paint aluminum. We did setup a plan, so in the first day we decided to clean up the surface, get rid of the old 'tags' that were on, and sand it a bit to get the paint to stick on.

We started early again because we had to paint the primer, and the shop had to be open around 1 o'clock.. We sanded the beam in the middle again, because it was a silicone based paint. After dusting off the surface we taped it all up and painted it with the primer. This is starting to get more like it!

Allright, the day to start painting the 'HEMELS' piece! First off it was a little bit of a struggle but when we painted the outlines, the rest of the fill was a piece of cake. Just when I wanted to start the outlining it was 11 o'clock already and it has to dry for about 2 hours.. So we packed everything up and decided to finish tomorrow. In the afternoon I made a list of 'imperfections'; Things I have to repaint to make the whole shutter look dope (the neck for example, and the fill of the letters in some places). The fill was already done mainly so it looked 'icy' already!

We decided to finish outlining it in the evening, so my dad could go to work the day after as usual. He was so desperate to finish it the right way, learned a lot these days about spraypainting, sanding and cleaning.. Exept for some guys talking bullshit it was a nice evening to paint. The outlines always make it pop, and with the highlights it became even more dope. It was as expected but I really are proud of the outcome!

The only thing left was the text about the ice cream, chocolate and coffee right? In the sketch I wrote it in English, but after all the other things happened (I watched the people walk by, most of them were old ladies or old men that 'didn't like this type of art') we decided to just keep it simple.. Dutch, as everyone in my town understands. After the add of the 3 words we were done! Nice!

I'll upload some higher quality photos soon.

I really want to thank HEMELS, it was a nice job to do. Also my dad, also known for his vmquest78 blog, helped me a lot. Exept some of the odd people that passed by I loved most of the reactions from the 'audience'.. I heard someone say 'Oh that is Hemels, the ice cream parlour', and that was when I didn't even started outlining.. Damn! Love to all followers, keep in touch!
