Monday, December 2, 2013

D*Face - One Man & His Dog

My favourite story in the book is D*Face getting in touch with Shepard Fairey back in 1999 on a still fledgling internet, via an unreliable dial-up modem, using Ask Jeeves to track him down. He was successful. The rest is history. Happy days. 

Roll on to 2013 and the internet has left us attention-span-less, trolled, open to abuse, & able to claim (arguable) knowledge to just about everything that has ever happened. While the world has left us a little weary & cynical (or is that just me? i'm told we're supposed to be happier!). A lot has happened since 1999 and D*Face has made a point of keeping his work relevant & political, aswell as arty. His cure is to end the book with a "keep it real" message, going back to his first love, skateboarding, for inspiration. Seems like a very sensible plan.

Inbetween his tale charts the rise of modern street art & his place in it. Incorporating divergent themes, audacious installations, ups & downs, politics, power, colour and some great Lichtenstein & Haring inspired artwork. He got the riot his artwork craved (& must have inspired to some small degree). He must want some form of social justice but that is still far away (& sadly the riots were anything but just).

In the end the rich got richer just as the artists got bolder. Cream (& oil) continues to rise & D*Face's talent shines through regardless of the ways of the world. 

One Man & His Dog is a stylish monograph that charts the creativity & rise of D*Face.

front cover
audacious 2008 trafalgar square installation
Lovely Haring inspired artwork

Tim Hans mugshot

The book doesn't move (unless you push it)

naughty boy

almost as good as Lichtenstein himself!