Monday, August 11, 2014


So I've already told you guys that I'm really happy with the pageviews last months. It felt like I have found the gold, felt like a victory. I never managed to get so many support before.

As we are recovering from the trip in La France, I become a bit bored sometimes. The views and votes from the 'SKOR' battle aren't spectacular either, but the sketch inspired me again.. I try to get more 3d in my fills bit by bit, and try not to be too fanatic or run to hard; I want to explore everything that I need precisely. With the optimistic mood from the 16.000 pageviews (!), and the fresh ideas I have, it was a nice saturday evening full of experimenting.

Yes, this sketch was made on saturday.. I hesitated for a moment thinking I'll make a blackbook 2014 video for youtube, but this is viewed by many more people. So I will stick to this for now. Enjoy!



Pics by St Photography!