Thursday, December 4, 2014


New update on the book! I've been busy for school last week, and I decided to publish a sketching book with all of my drawing templates in the future. Things that have been done are: the NS train, a RET subway, a RET bus and a shed. More stuff to come!

The graffiti front took a couple of updates too! I joined the Unknown Crew, a crew together with the friends of the last couple of posts... Positive vibes all the way!

I've called the new sketch of today 'The Depth Within' because I tried to get more familiar with the effect in the yellow parts. Sketching the outlines first helped a lot! Good things for the future. The shadow in combination with the 3d effect inside the fill also made it look a little different from the other sketches. Thanks to mom btw, for my new sketchbook!



graffiticreatorstyles x THE DEPTH WITHIN x 2014!