Every body is wrong.The minority is right , dont doubt. And BBC tells lies. All the official and govermental NEWS agencies tell lies even about Art ! All the politicians are wrong and this is a really serious matter. We, the young Iranian and Palestinian artists ask all the young artists and creators wordwide to make an effort to publish this issue.
Art is completely apart from politics , hence it s closely associated with Humanity and mankind
Cosequently it is right to say that :
Zionism has a strong appetite to swallow the whole planet
The western
official Media scatter lie mocules all around the globe
The capitalism and
imperialism are as a concrete Wall and barrier even on the way of art and free
The international media broadcast nothing but lies
They don’t let
their world wide audiences ,know why We struggle against Imperialism and The US
The official and even popular media spoil the” humanity and peace”
Todays art masters have remained silent in the fear of losig their
official prestige and credits
Freedom is intuitive and instinctive
BBCLIESWe are not CONTENTAbove mentioned statesments are a few instances of the facts, making us dissatisfiedWe call for all the artists’ cooperation. Nobody will receive any money or suchlike for the collaboration We would like to share the fragile and beaufiful humanistic Aspectes of our souls to celebrate the real rule of an Artist regardless of their relgion,nationality, race,gender and any other man-made obstaclesas video,music, literary texts, poems, short transcripts, graphic and illustrations, urban art , graffiti and photography…
Submission Information in English and Persian
Music and Mp3 files Visual and Motion Works : kolahstudio @ gmail.com
Informations and cooperations : irangraffiti @ gmail.com
The mainstream is simply wrong.They are advertising Brand new ideas of war and power.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Karan Reshad
Brainstorm Director
The PDF Information In English is Available (650 Kilobytes) HERE
To view The Previous issue (4 megabyates) Click Here