THe Website which was paused whitin the 6 previous months is Now Under It's Beta version TEsting and will be run Straight forward to power the Movement in Tehran . For those who don't have enough informations about The movement , maybe i need to say that Iranian graffiti and urban art movement has been taking place in Terhan by the years 2000 -2002 by kolahstudio artists and led to a movement by the Gaff Writers and followers with great talents . Before this years ther were no ilegal Art on tehran walls.

Visit The Website ,for latest updates from A1one ,Magoi ,elle Arash and other writers . We are now in our Beta version testing . For more Details you can visit The old Version of the Movement in
http://irangraffiti.blogspot.comand the first home of This event in web from 2003 : join Irangraffiti mailing list : join KS Yahoo group :