Normal sundays are always boring.. So I was so pleased when TOBER contacted me saturdaynight about doin' a legal piece at the tunnel in Rotterdam Overschie. Rainy days but we kept it dry hehehe. His style is so dope, he really got his own thing.. Nice!
I packed my shit up in the morning, and got to Rotterdam to meet up with the mighty TOBER. It had been a long time since I did my last graffiti work so I was a bit in a rush, could I keep up with him? Offcourse not, the damn style king haha. But it was a really nice afternoon, as soon as we got to the spot we started painting.. Many OBS pieces over there, guys are big! First off sketching, and a bit of latex paint to get rid of the old works we gotta paint over.. Then we started with the fill. Really dope how the guy also filled his piece with a roller and brush!
We were painting nice and slowly, getting the effects clean and perfect as we had the whole day, and then a Polish guy dropped by. I didn't even know his name but he was very friendly, most writers from the same country are hating on eachother normally.. Later on we also hooked up with RESK and DUSOK, so with a total of 5 people in the tunnel it was a nice day! Bigups!
Greetings, graffiticreatorstyles